Welfare – Benevolent Fund

The Benevolent Fund was established to assist our members in special times of personal need. While we hope that you will never require our help, it is the case that every week we receive appeals for help from people experiencing such events as debilitating illness and sudden changes to family circumstances. The Benevolent Fund has provided an invaluable safety net for many over the years, and will continue to do so in future.

The Fund is managed by a Committee of Management that oversees all aspects of the Fund, but decisions relating to grants and loans are made by the Benevolent Fund Finance Committee. The Committee of Management is made up of representatives from Divisional, Federation Joint Branch Board, Association of Police Superintendents, Retired police Officers’ Association, and Force Welfare officers.

The Benevolent Fund Finance Committee is made up from the Committee of Management, usually including one representative from ASPS, and one representative from the RPOA.


The Benevolent Fund’s Committee of Management meet every month to consider applications received from members, police pensioners, dependants and widows who find themselves in difficulty. Each application is carefully assessed in strict confidence, and where the Committee feels it can help, loans and grants are offered on merit.